Welcome to Practical Manager

What is Employeeship?

When the individual makes a whole-hearted and goal-oriented effort to ensure the success of the organisation, a special kind of personal commitment exists. We call this commitment Employeeship. When all employees are deeply committed to the survival and development of the organisation and thus demonstrate Employeeship, the organisation can be said to have an Employeeship culture. Amongst the many elements that characterise a good employee, the following three are essential: – Responsibility – Loyalty – Initiative. These three overall concepts reflect the attitude and behaviour of people who are “good employees”. People display Employeeship when they: – “play” for themselves and the “team” to win – take responsibility for the results of the organisation – are loyal to the people and goals of the organisation – take the initiative to improve the organisation’s productivity, relations and quality Employeeship is what it takes to be a good employee. Just as leadership is what it takes to be a good leader. Success of any organisation is put in the hands of managers and employees equally, therefore it’s their shared responsibility to create a culture of Employeeship and mobilize everybody’s’ energy to win. JellyTeam is a web service and your tool that helps teams in various ways creating: Excellent team culture called Employeeship Excellent results by focusing on goals (or many times referred to as OKRs) By showing positive attention and recognition to others by delegating tasks, praising behaviour, congratulating for achievements (in one word: giving strokes to your colleagues) you create trust and openness in your team. The best stroke you can give is your undivided attention. Much too often, a personal undivided attention is not possible for many reasons: travel, distance, work location, project execution, etc. This is where JellyTeam comes in handy. It provides you new opportunities for sharing attention and keep personal authentic relationships in your team and with other teams.

Demands on an employee in an Employeeship company

In order for all employees in a company to do their utmost and function as good “players in the team”, it is necessary to specify what is demanded and expected from them. In principle, these demands and expectations should not be different from those that apply to football players and other “team players”. Every employee should contribute actively to the success of the company. In order to do so, it is necessary to specify the success criteria. Similarly, the individual’s contribution towards achieving success for the entire company, the department and the individual must be determined. Generally, it must be demanded and expected that every employee:

  • helps to create a team spirit in the department and the company;
  • works at growing both as a human being and professionally;
  • is physically and mentally fit;
  • both can and will fulfil his/her role in the department and the company.

The model below can be used to describe demands on employee competence. By competence is meant the sum of knowhow, skills and attitudes. Competence includes both ability and willingness. An employee can when he/she has the necessary proficiency and skills to be able to do his/her work effectively. An employee will when he/she is willing to do his/her best in his/her own interest and in the interest of the company. This means that the person is motivated, has self-esteem and shows responsibility. The “can/will” model includes four situations with the consequences they would have in an Employeeship company:

  1. Neither can nor will; The employee is transferred, dismissed or asked to find another job.
  2. Can but will not; The employee is motivated and given moral support or is requested to change his/her attitude.
  3. Cannot but will; The employee is educated, trained and is given the opportunity to test his/her competence with the necessary help and support.
  4. Both can and will; The employee gets responsibility, freedom of action and new challenges and is rewarded.


Demands on a team

Much of what a person has to do in life is to be done together with others, i.e. in a team. This is true at work, in the football field, and in a family. In other words: In order to accomplish something, you have to be able to “play” with others. To be able to play with others, you need “teamwork competence”. Each player must:

  • learn to understand the people he/she is to work with;
  • know oneself and know the effect he/she has on the other members of the team;
  • learn to function in a team that produces results without major conflicts and internal struggles;
  • learn to focus energy on winning the real “struggle”.

In a football team, willingness to cooperate is as important as the technical skills of the individual players. Similarly, amongst managers and staff it takes more than professional skills to achieve significant team performance. It takes both ability and willingness to fight and win together. If a team is to achieve results, the right tools and equipment must be available. Furthermore, the employees must have the right attitude and necessary competence. Finally, responsibility and tasks must be appropriately allocated. This may sound elementary and obvious. Nevertheless, it is difficult to achieve in practice. This may be due to a lack of willingness and/or ability to understand the importance of teamwork to the results achieved by the team. A word ‘partnership’ means what it takes to be a good partner. Similarly, Employeeship describes what it takes to be a good employee. The following 11 factors characterise an Employeeship culture:

  1. Commitment
  2. Responsibility
  3. Loyalty
  4. Initiative
  5. Productivity
  6. Relationships
  7. Quality
  8. Professional Competence
  9. Flexibility
  10. Implementation
  11. Energy

JellyTeam is a web service, which assists managers and employees in their teams to build and maintain their Employeeship culture.

  • Help team members and team leaders
  • It will assist all employees establish behaviours which drives long-term results
  • Instil engaging passion and commitment
  • Help team leaders assess their teams and team members they lead
  • Develop team members to their greatest potential
  • Maintain quality relationship in teams and with other team
  • Create ‘a team of teams’ within your organisation

The JellyTeam enables you to:

  1. Track your personal and team goals, including milestones to achieve results and employee performance.
  2. Give attention for behaviour, performance or achievements of other members via Give strokes.
  3. Review weekly summaries of strokes for yourself and members you lead in your teams, shown in the Stroke account.
  4. Track three levels of reports showing capability and readiness to do the best for individuals, teams and your organisation in the Teams & Members section.
  5. Exchange your strokes for real awards in the Awards.


Practical Manager layout

Practical Manager screen is divided into three areas:

  1. Main menu area on the left side
  2. Header menu area on the top
  3. Canvas area in the middle – takes the most of the screen

The main menu area features the home icon and the main sections you will utilise for your needs:

  • Home: brings up your Dashboard – the home screen
  • Goals: shows your goals and milestones section
  • Key Areas: shows the list of your personal key areas
  • Strokes: shows page with recognition features
  • Teams & Members: shows reports for individuals/teams/the organisation
  • Awards: shows pages for redeeming stroke points for awards

The header menu area will show commands that are available within every section. The canvas area will show all information and entry fields for working with Practical Manager.

Setting up your Practical Manager

Before you start using Practical Manager, please do the following steps:

  1. Invite your team members
  2. Edit your profile
  3. Enter your Key Areas
  4. Enter your goals

1. Invite your team members

Practical Manager is a team and personal tool. It’s functionality is fully used when team members share strokes (recognition and positive feedback) as well as their goals in order to achieve the best results. Please hover your mouse over your profile name in the top right corner and select Invite members. Enter e-mail address of other members or simply copy and past the unique URL link into an e-mail, and send them a request to click this link.

2. Edit Profile

Fill out your short profile in the “Edit Profile” section that you can find in the top-right corner of the screen. It consists of:

  • Your personal name and surname, and organisation info
  • Main team / additional teams you’re part of
  • A simple list of your key areas (explained in a separate chapter)
  • Your options for receiving notifications and reminders

Enter your first and last name and upload your personal picture. Select a team you belong to or if there is no team available to select, or the team you are working in, you can create your team by clicking the corresponding button. Finito! You’re done with setting up the basics. Now go on with the important stuff: your key areas and your goals. Tip: “You must use a real person name and surname. Do not pretend to be somebody or something else, as you like to stroke real people. Remember, strokes are the basis for relationships, which are the most important part of one’s life. They are also the most important part of business since you can only do business and succeed in doing business when having good relationships with people that matter most – your employees and colleagues.”

3. Enter your Key areas

The key areas will highlight you main areas of the tasks and responsibilities. They are important for your peers and members to clarify the responsibilities and to share recognitions related to them.

  • You can enter no more than 9 key areas
  • Ideas is a key area that is predefined since every person should have ideas for development

Read more about the key areas A Key Area is a group of your tasks or projects that you are responsible for. The Key Areas describe areas of your responsibility at work (or even at home) required in order to achieve your goals. They are not necessarily always related directly to one of your goals, but most often you will find out they are. Make sure they are not more than 9 in total, which will help you keep the overview and control of your work. One key area is always on by default; Ideas, which you should always work with and strive to make your future development a reality. You will better determine your key areas by answering the following questions:

  • What am I doing?
  • What are my tasks?
  • What tasks would I like to have?
  • What other tasks should I also be doing?
  • What work is involved in performing these tasks?

You can read more about the Key Areas in the Personal Organisation booklet available upon request.

4. Enter your Goals

Goals section is your tool for achieving results and tracking the progress. Often they are referred to as Objectives and Key results but we simply call them Goals and Milestones. These are personal, but you can always decide to input the goals or milestones for you entire team or organisation. This maybe useful when you’re a team manager or a project manager or a leader of an organisation. Using the Goals section entering your first goal you want to track and make sure to achieve by simply clicking into the field provided.

When you’re done entering several goals you will find them listed in a simple list. If you click any of the goals entered, the goal will be shown with related details: milestones, deadlines, and the score indicating your progress. Milestones Milestones are smaller parts in the overall goal. Their role is to quantify and define the overall goals or the steps that are needed to achieve a goal. A goal can only be added with at least one milestone – see the arrow showing it on the picture. 

Link A goal can be linked with another goal, creating a goal hierarchy. This is suitable if you have many goals to track, a project, or team goals that you are responsible for. Score Goals achievement score is automatically calculated with the scores of progress of each milestone. They are primarily intended to help you score and record goal achievement progress. You may want to decide whether a goal achievement over score 0.7 is exceeding expectation, 0.5 to 0.7 as meeting expectations and below the 0.5 is underperforming. You may also want to use any other explanation as to better fit your organisation. 

Additional commands In the header line you will find three commands:

  • Quick
  • Share
  • History

Quick goals will show a pop-up window with the goal hierarchy – an overview of your goals. Share function enables you to create a goal report in a pdf or excel document, which you can print or e-mail to others. The report includes current goals and the goals you have achieved. History will show the goals you have marked completed.

Administrator settings

The first user of Practical Manager becomes the administrator with the following additional features:

  • Manage teams
  • Manage members
  • Preferences
  • Create team

Manage teams Edit or delete any team in your organisation. 

Manage members Edit or delete any member in your organisation. 

Preferences Define eNPS question e-mail frequency. 

Create team Create a new team and define a team leader.

Working with Practical Manager

There are a few soft rules and guidelines to follow in order to have good experience with the Practical Manager. Further, to ensure satisfaction of all users of this service it is important everyone complies and agrees to a few guidelines and basic rules. For that reason there are prerequisites as »driving license« for the world of Practical Manager we suggest you. 1. Mind fellow members. Members are real people, who provide their real names and work in real organisations. As much as Practical Manager can help you bring out the best from people, it can deteriorate relationships with other if you misuse the tool by:

  • Giving double signals.
  • Praising on-line with Practical Manager and reprimanding or criticising in face-to-face relationship or meetings.
  • Making insincere, false or flattering compliments.

Remember, whatever you do on-line, it’s still you, not somebody else. 2. Be nice. Be considerate and inoffensive to others. When making comments or giving strokes, remain realistic and objective. 3. Be professional. Do not get too personal. Emotions are part of life. We believe the positive emotions drive results and the culture, so try to be positive in what you do through Practical Manager and in off-line personal relationships. Keep negative thoughts realistic and with positive intention. Remember, person is OK. 4. Respect other members’ rights and respect your national and international laws. Members’ right is to feel OK and welcome. Only by staying within the international law you can maintain Practical Manager service to run and contribute to your own as well as everybody else’s success. Start using the Practical Manager service with these basic soft guidelines in your mind. Here is a short and simple guide through the essentials of the hard guidelines of the service to help you start.


The home screen presents your dashboard which displays three areas with features of your organisation:

  • eNPS score define by team members experience
  • You active goals area of the screen
  • What’s new area

eNPS Shows the Employee Net Promoter Score as a real-time measure of all employee experience in your organisation. Active goals This area displays list of your active goals you’re working on right now and are always in front of your eyes. What’s new This area shows all updates and news about members of your organisations, their achievements and performance which is to remind you to send them recognition stroke.


Companies can achieve customer loyalty when they have high employee loyalty. Engaged and committed employees who display Employeeship behaviour are the biggest asset of any organisation. Their positive energy is contagious, their responsibility reaches far and beyond formal responsibility for personal results. Their initiative is more than just ensuring status quo, they’re improving and innovating the company. Their team spirit fights for the best interest of their company and they are promoters of the company brand. Committed employees play a vital role in creating customer loyalty and company success. eNPS is a quick, short, clear survey of your employee experience to supplement the information on Employeeship culture. “On a scale of zero to ten, how likely is it you would recommend this company as a place to work?” is the central question to determine employee experience. Employee Net Promoter Scores can be substantially lower or higher than customer scores. Employees often hold their company to lower or even higher standards than do customers. This is also the case for companies with different regional and cultural background. Read more about eNPS on the public internet. The result of the eNPS score is shown as a line chart, and as an eNPS score. You can download the history of the scores as an excel workbook with additional information across different teams.


In order for life to have meaning, it is important to have goals and to reach them. However, it is not just a question of reaching goals, but of enjoying the journey to them. Goals in a company or a team also create meaning. They also align everyone’s efforts in the same direction. Goals help explain roles in the company, and drive performance of the individuals and teams. A goal is a desired result. A goal is a clear description of a situation you want to be in when you have carried out certain actions. “Increasing sales” is not a goal, because it does not describe a condition or a situation you wish to achieve. “To have achieved a 20 per-cent increase on last year’s sales turnover by December 15th” is a better definition. Similarly, “being able to wear  my party clothes” or “weighing 11 stone by the 1st April next year” is better than “losing weight”. Guidelines for goal-setting You are more likely to achieve your goals if they fulfil the following conditions:

  • A goals should be clearly defined A goal should describe the situation you desire as clearly and as specifically as possible.
  • A goal should be realistic It should be both possible and probable to achieve the goals.
  • A goal should be challenging You should make an extra effort to reach your goal. You should do your best.
  • A goal should have a time limit Otherwise, you might easily be tempted to postpone the tasks that lead towards your goals.
  • A goal should be worth-while Achieving a goal should be important to you. It should have a high priority.

You should have both small and large goals. Short-term and long-term goals. You should get into habit of continually setting goals for different periods: the day, the week, the month, the year. Your goals will constantly change, depending you your experience, your age, your company role. This is why you should adjust your long-term goals at least once a year. Make a personal habit of setting up and achieving your goals. If you don’t write down goals, it’s most likely you will forget about them and fail to focus on things that matter in order to achieve them. Make a team habit of setting up monthly individual performance review with each team member that report to you.

  1. Review the past term (monthly/quarter) goals and score them.
  2. Ask the employee to set up next term (month/quarter) goals, and present them.
  3. Discuss how you (as a manager) can help the employee reach the desired goals, and how you can remain most helpful to your team members.

At the end of each month, book 20 minutes for individual member performance meetings. At the end of each quarter, book 30 minutes for individual member quarterly performance meetings. During these meetings share the screens of the Practical Manager goals, or work with a printed version of goals, which you can create with a Share feature. 

1 – State your goal here
2 – Start and finish dates
3 – Add an optional description of your goal / notes
4 – Add at least one or more milestones with its start and finish dates
5 – As you work on the tasks to reach your goals, increase the progress indicator accordingly or change the Scores for milestones.

  • Tick the green arrow next to the goal deadline when finished.
  • You can review finished goals in your goal History.
  • Link smaller goals to larger goals if appropriate for you in
  • order to create overview and control with Quick goals feature.

Give strokes – help people to do their best

Having good personal relations means feeling good about yourself and getting along with others. The efforts made by the individual towards good relations determine the psychological environment in the department and the company. In an Employeeship company, all employees assume responsibility for the internal and external relations of the department and the company. All employees make a wholehearted and goal-directed effort to create a climate in which everyone finds inspiration and wants to do their best. In Claus Møller’s books: ”My Life Tree – a different book about personal development ”, ”Be a Double Bagger – bring out the best in yourself and others”, and ”Heart Work – bring your heart to work” you will find inspiration, methods and tools to get on well with yourself and others. People’s self-esteem determines whether they feel good about themselves and get along with other people. Your self-esteem is determined by the amount of recognition your brain registers. Recognition – in its broadest sense – is also called strokes. Strokes are vitally important to the quality of the psychological environment. Strokes can be defined as:“Any kind of attention people can show” Strokes are the most powerful means we human beings have at our disposal to develop or destroy our own self-esteem or that of others. It is essential to your wellbeing that you receive strokes. If you do not receive enough strokes, you will feel bad about yourself, you will behave inappropriately, become a loser, or in the worst case, become seriously ill – both mentally and physically. The way in which you exchange strokes with others determines what kind of relationships you have. Strokes can be positive or negative. Your self-esteem is determined by the amount of positive and negative strokes that you receive.

Positive strokes Positive strokes increase your self-esteem and make you happy. Positive strokes may be any kind of positive recognition, attention, praise, appreciation, pleasure, pride, and admiration.

Negative strokes Negative strokes make you upset and disappointed, and make you feel inadequate. Negative strokes may take the form of criticism, reprimands, scorn, ridicule, distrust, and ingratitude.

Zero strokes The best thing a person can receive is positive strokes. The worst thing a person can receive is not negative strokes – but zero strokes. Nothing has a more destructive effect on someone’s self-esteem and sense of wellbeing then zero strokes. Lack of strokes has a dramatic effect on people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviour. When people don’t get enough positive strokes, they try, consciously or subconsciously, to get negative strokes. This reaction is natural because, in spite of everything, negative strokes are better than no strokes at all. Conflicts at work and at home, high personnel turnover, high absenteeism, lack of commitment and poor quality are often a direct result of a lack of attention.

Make the following exercise

Sit down in a chair and relax. Close your eyes. Think about your experiences last week. What happened? Who did you spend time with? What did you talk about? How did you feel about yourself? How did you get along with other people? Did you help to create a positive environment, which encourages yourself and others to develop? Do this mental experiment for each of the people you have spent time with and with whom you currently live and work: your partner, your children, your parents, your colleagues, your boss. Think about them one at a time and ask yourself the following questions:

  • How many times did I give him/her positive strokes? In what situations? For what? How did I do it? Were they superficial or profound?
  • How many times did I give him/her negative strokes? In what situations? For what? How did I do it? Did he/she maintain their self-esteem and perceive the strokes as a help?
  • What kind of strokes did I give most often last week – positive or negative? Does he or she receive mostly positive strokes from me? Does he or she receive mostly negative strokes from me?
  • Did he/she do something last week, which I didn’t appreciate at all? Did I invest any time in, and show my interest for this person? Do I take his/her efforts for granted? Did I make any attempts to open the door to the other person’s world?

Then ask yourself the following questions about the strokes you received during the past week:

  • How many positive strokes did I receive? From my partner? My children? My staff? My colleagues? My boss? My friends?
  • How many negative strokes did I receive? From my partner? My children? My staff? My colleagues? My boss? My friends?
  • How many times did I make a serious effort without anybody noticing it?
  • How many times did I do something for others, which they took for granted? Who is interested in my world?

How do you feel right now? What do you feel? Do you give enough strokes? Do you receive enough strokes? Are strokes something you need to work with? If you do, you will feel better about yourself. You will make more friends and have better relations by giving more positive strokes.

Giving strokes with Practical Manager

Click on Strokes section in the main menu identified with a heart icon. 

This is the section where you give strokes to other people. Giving a stroke to somebody means showing recognition and positive attention for his or her behaviour, performance, or recent achievements. Help people do their best means to catch people doing things right and share a recognition with them. Focus on success and give strokes to your team members for doing a good job in the following three areas: Employeeship behaviour, performance within one of his or her key area, or Goals achievements.

  1. Select a team member
  2. Select an area Employeeship / Performance / Achievement
  3. Select the + icon as required and add a personal note

Be specific! Remember to enter a short note for the person related to the stroke you are giving. Only then, you can submit your stroke. The note or comment is your message you want to tell your friend and a fellow team member.

Stroke Account

Tip: “If you cannot find a team-mate listed in the section, note there is a list of members not in your own teams. Just press the button “Show members, not in my teams”. When a person receives a stroke it gets written into a record of strokes, i.e. Stroke account. On a weekly basis, each member receives avoucher with a summary of strokes received. This is where you can see what was noticed and welcomed by your team members. A team member and the team manager will see this information and must confirm it before it gets visible in the stroke account and before it gets available to be redeemed for an award. Knowing the recognitions and strokes you receive from others will make you more self-aware person, and it will also keep updates on achievements and behaviour of your staff members in front of you. Vouchers are the summary of what’s going on and are e-mailed to members personally on a weekly basis. They are available to review by each member himself or herself under My open vouchers. The number of strokes in each voucher is transferred into your Account balance, that is your personal account of strokes awarded for your Employeeship behaviour, performance, or achievements. In order for strokes to get inforce, the vouchers must be confirmed by team member and the team leader.


Redeem your bank account for real awards in the Awards section. When you wish to exchange the available account balance for awards you can do that from the Awards section by clicking the redeem button next to each award. This is a list of awards you may choose from when you collect your points. Enjoy them, you earned them! Note that some award are shown by default as an example. Your organisations administrator has permissions to change the list as appropriate for your organisation. The administrator of your company account also has make sure team members actually receive their awards. In fact, you have to agree on bonuses and awards that should be on the list for your organisation. Company administrators are allowed to enter new awards, thus enabling each organisation to customize this section and tie to their own incentives policy. Evoli has no commitments and obligations from your awards but it is your internal in-company policy.

Teams & Members

This section is of great value for your personal development as well as for the development of your teams by showing the team/individual stroke balance in an adjusted Will/Can model. This model has no quadrants but shows number of strokes in the ability side and willingness to do their best.

  • Every team member can see his or her own results and the team results
  • Every team member can see results of other teams’ total results
  • Every team leader can see report of his teams and his team members

At any time you can take a look at your own “strokes picture” or for one of your teams, which is a snap shot of a team’s situation. 

In the My Report subsection you will find a summary of the strokes you received for Employeeship and for Key areas/Achievements. You cannot see data of the other team members. However, the average for your team as a whole is displayed, which gives you an idea for your personal development goal, and maybe some drive to help you improve. 

You can see a report for all teams you manage in the My organisation. This report will show the information for the teams in your organisation and detailed reports for the teams you are leading.

  1. Select one of your teams.
  2. See will/can diagram for your members
  3. Read useful information from the tables
  4. Select one of the members
  5. See personal will/can diagram and tables
Do's and don'ts

Do undertake the following:

  1. The golden rule is “Purpose of the strokes must be positive.”
    This means you may not be negatively critical and it means you’re not to share ‘double signals’ by giving a positive stroke regarding a negative behaviour. Only give strokes when your intention is positive, stay polite, friendly and open. Remember, you are responsible for your relationships.
  2. Positive strokes are the normal, and are given to any member, including team leader and admin user. There is no company hierarchal limitations. Anybody can stroke anybody, and we encourage you to do so!
  3. Do it now! Do not hesitate. When you see people doing things right, achieving things or performing well, you should tell them – and give them a stroke. The sooner the better. Only prompt and honest strokes will develop your team relationships and develop people behaviour.

Don’t undertake the following:

  1. Act dishonestly or unprofessionally by engaging in unprofessional behaviour, by posting inappropriate, inaccurate, or objectionable content; publish inaccurate or “second-hand” information;
  2. Disclose sensitive personal information such as members’ email address, phone numbers, street address, or other information that is confidential in nature. Please read our Privacy Policy;
  3. Create a Member profile for anyone other than yourself;
  4. Harass, abuse or harm another person, including posting unwelcomed communications;
  5. Use another’s account or create a false identity, or attempt to do so.