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Teams & Members

The Teams&Members section is showing your Employeeship culture status. It is of great value for your team development and your personal development as well. It is showing the team/individual stroke balance in real-time in an adjusted Will-Can model.

This model has shows the teams in your organisation on the ability side and on the side of their willingness to do their best.

  • Every team member can see his or her own results and the team results
  • Every team member can see the results of other teams’ total results
  • Every team leader can see the status of his/her teams and his/her team members

At any time, you can take a look at your own “strokes status” or for one of your teams, which is a snapshot of a team’s situation.

In the My Report subsection, you will find your Employeeship status made from the  summary of the strokes you received for Employeeship, Key areas and Achievements. This is your personal Employeeship meter in real-time.
You cannot see any data from the other team members. However, scores for your team as a whole is displayed, which gives you an idea for your personal development goal, and maybe some drive to help you improve.

You can see a report for all teams you manage in My organisation. This report will show the information for the teams in your organisation and detailed reports for the teams you are leading.

  1. Select one of your teams.
  2. See the will/can diagram for your members
  3. Read useful information from the tables
  4. Select one of the members
  5. See personal will/can diagram and tables.
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