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Claus Møller Consulting

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Start fighting back against e-mails!

Start fighting back against e-mails!

We just wanted to share another excellent article from 43 folders with you. Merlin quotes a new article from the New York Times about how organizations are finally starting to realize how big drag on...

Wasting time at the start of the week

Wasting time at the start of the week

We'll start off with the golden nugget about time: "Time that passes never returns.That’s why it ought to be a crime to steal other people’s time."This cuts both ways. Don't waste other people's time - and...

On life… and Management

On life… and Management

Here's the golden nugget of the day: "An incompetent manager treats minor tasks as major tasks -while major tasks do not get done at all." We all know somebody like that. Here's hoping it's not the person you...