Giving strokes with Practical Manager
Click on Strokes section in the main menu identified with a heart icon.
Tip: “You must use a real person name and surname. Do not pretend to be somebody or something else, as you like to stroke real people. Remember, strokes are basis for relationships, which are the most important part of ones life. They are also the most important part of business since you can only do business and succeed in doing business when having good relationships with people that matter most – your employees and colleagues.”
This is the section where you give strokes to other people. Giving a stroke to somebody means showing recognition and positive attention for his or her behaviour, performance, or recent achievements.
Help people do their best means to catch people doing things right and share a recognition with them. Focus on success and give strokes to your team members for doing a good job in the following three areas: Employeeship behaviour, performance within one of his or her key area, or Goals achievements.
- Select a team member from your organisation or enter a name and email of another person on the right hand-side
- Select an area, e-g- Employeeship / Performance / Achievement
- Select + icon as required and add a personal note.
Be specific! Remember to enter a short note for the person related to the stroke you are giving. Only then, you can submit your stroke. The note or comment is your message you want to tell your friend and a fellow team member.